As with all Education Queensland schools, our Religious Instruction Program is optional. At Kawana Waters State College those students in Years 1 to 6, opting to undertake the Religious Instruction program participate in a cooperative Christian religious instruction program.
Participating churches and their accredited teachers work within an agreement. At Kawana Waters State College Religious Instructors, use the 'Connect' program. Lessons are for 30 minutes each week and usually occur on a Friday afternoon.
Students are allocated to Religious Instruction based on information provided by parents on the completed Application for Student Enrolment unless other written instructions have been provided to the school. The appropriate form is available at the Administration Office.
The program explores Christian Beliefs and Values and seeks to add a spiritual and moral dimension to student learning.
Students who are not
participating in Religious Instruction, will for the duration of the lesson, be
supervised in a separate location and undertake revision or subject matter
already covered in student’s class.