A Note from the College Principal
There are many costs associated with providing quality educational opportunities which all students deserve. Kawana Waters State College offers a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) as an economical alternative for the provision of high quality resources for their students. SRS is organised by the College, operates under the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training (DET), is approved annually by the School Council and endorsed by the P&C Association. Participation in the scheme is optional, however before you make your decision, please read the contents of this document to see how you are able to make savings.
Payment options are also available. Please complete the final pages to formalize your participation in the scheme and to advise of your payment intentions. Should you be experiencing financial difficulties please contact the Business Manager – Finance or Principals to discuss your payment options.
I look forward to your support in ensuring your student starts day one prepared and resourced for the academic challenges ahead.
Brett Burgess