About KWSC Early Years
Welcome to our
Kawana Waters State College Early Years, the beginning of a life-long learning
journey for your child. We believe that
all children can learn, making the development of your child’s interests,
skills, capabilities and well-being the centre of our work.
Our Early Years
Educators are a collaborative team of professionals, guided by research
informed practices to continually strengthen and improve the quality of teaching
and learning of the Australian Curriculum (Australian Curriculum Parent Information) for each child in each classroom.
College families can feel confident and comfortable in the knowledge
that the learning and well-being of their child is monitored and supported by a
team of caring professionals.
Kawana Waters
State College is one of only 14 schools in QLD, selected as a trial school for
the National Quality Standards (NQS) and complete a verification process. The National Quality Standard is informed by
research about day-to-day program elements that optimise children’s learning
and development and comprises of legislation, regulation and procedures
required for the education and care for Australian children in Early Childhood
Education Centres. It is comprehensive
and sets a ‘high bar’ for early childhood learning and development.

Our Early Years
team involvement with the NQS verification process, in addition to the College
High Reliability Framework (HRS) and Art and Science of Teaching (ASoT) pedagogical
frameworks, assures the quality of our practice, learning environments and enables
us to align with neighbouring Early Childhood Education Centres. These partnerships
assist in providing a smooth transition for children and families when stepping
from Kindergarten into Prep.
National Quality Standards (PDF. 273KB)
Prep Enrolment
We welcome and
invite all enquiries regarding Prep enrolment to email the Primary Campus on prep_enrolments@kawanawaterssc.eq.edu.au
or phone (07) 5436 9333. You will be
provided with a College enrolment pack and information about our Prep and
Transition programs.
Transition into Prep
Our transition
into Prep program is an opportunity for children, educators and families to
build and develop relationships while learning about ‘what it is like to go to big
school’. We provide opportunities for
families and children to come into the College and experience Prep lessons and
activities, as well as participate in parent education sessions.
Children must
be 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol. Please
see the following link to see when your child can start Prep.
Enrolment Age Variations
Parents enrolling their child in school have the option of an early or delayed start. Enrolment age variations may be due to a child’s development and readiness, and could improve their ability to learn.
Read more about early and delayed entry to Prep and allocation of state education.
Delayed start to Prep
It is not compulsory for your child to attend the Prep year as soon as they are old enough—5 by 30 June in the year they enrol. You can delay their entry by 1 year if you feel they are not ready, but when they start school, they should still start in the Prep year.
Parents who decide to delay their child’s start in Prep may choose to keep their child at home, or in an:
Students with Disability
All children are entitled to attend the Prep Year at their local state school.
Schools provide support services to assist students with disability so they can be included in local Prep classes.
Find more information for students with disability, including information on the:
Transition tatements
Please email
transition statements to the College on: TransitionStatements@kawanawaterssc.eq.edu.au
Would like to know more about how you
can best support and prepare your child for Prep?
Get advice on preparing your child for Prep, including early childhood education and care options, and how to get your child ready for their first day of school.
See how to enrol your child in school.
Make the Early Years Count