Every day counts - students who attend school all day, every day, learn better and achieve more positive outcomes. Regular attendance and punctuality are necessary for students to achieve the best results possible.
If an absence is unavoidable, it must be explained.
To support our attendance strategy Kawana Waters State College has an electronic roll system and attendance is monitored closely. To do this the school has implemented a software program called ID ATTEND.
Absences must be explained by 9.30am via one of the following methods:
- Sending a text to 0429 471 066 for each individual student (preferred method)
Example Text - "John Smith - Yr08 - 8C1 - 13/5/2023 - Sick"
Absence notifications must include the following details:
- Students full name
- Year level and home group
- Date of absence
- A reason must be recorded for every absence
When students are absent without explanation you will receive an SMS Text message on your mobile.
For this program to be effective, it is important for parents/guardians to communicate to the school immediately if a change of mobile phone number or email address has occurred.
Early Departures
Students who need to leave during the day must organise this before school.
- Bring a note from their parent or parent to send a text message before 8.45am requesting permission to leave school at a specific time
- Student reports to Student Services and hands the note in before 8.45am, or advises Attendance Officer that a text has been sent
- The student will be given a printed “Leave Request Pass" to hand to their class teacher allowing them to leave class at the requested time
- Before leaving the school grounds, the student must return to Student Services and get a “Leave Pass" which then marks the student as off campus
It is absolutely essential that students sign out at Student Services before leaving the school grounds, as this ensures that we know they are off campus in the event of an emergency.
Written Notes
While texts, emails and phone calls are accepted as an explanation for absences, a written note is preferred for late arrivals and early departures. The note is handed to Student Services. Emails, texts and phone messages for the day may not have been processed at the time the student is arriving or leaving.